主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:31771867): FaesPI基因参与调控甜荞lpls突变体雌雄蕊等长变异的分子机制,2018.01-2021.12,59万
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:31571736): FaesAG基因参与调控甜荞雌雄蕊异型分化的分子机制,2016.01-2019.12,61万
主要参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:31671755):甜荞FeDREB1基因功能及其参与干旱应答的分子调控机制, 2017.01-2020.12
主要参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:31370256):武当木兰花器官特征决定APETALA3同源基因的选择性拼接及功能分化, 2014.01-2014.12
Ma Zhiyuan, Yang Qingyu, Zeng Lingtian, Li Jiayi, Jiao Xinyu, Liu Zhixiong*. FaesAP3_1 Regulates the FaesELF3 Gene Involved in Filament-Length Determination of Long-Homostyle Fagopyrum esculentum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23(22): 14403.(SCI, IF=6.208)( *通讯作者)
You wei, Chen xiangjian, Zeng Lingtian, Ma Zhiyuan, Liu Zhixiong*. Characterization of PISTILLATA-like Genes and Their Promoters from the Distyly Fagopyrum esculentum. Plants (Basel). 2022,11(8):1047. (SCI, IF=4.658)(*通讯作者)
Zeng Lingtian, Zhang Jiao. Wang Xuan, Liu Zhixiong*. Isolation and Characterization of APETALA3 Orthologs and Promoters from the Distylous Fagopyrum esculentum. Plants (Basel). 2021,10(8):1644. (SCI, IF=3.935)(*通讯作者)
Fei Yue, Wang LanXiang, Fang ZhengWu, Liu ZhiXiong*. (2019). Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Cotyledon and Hypocotyl Explants of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench lpls Mutant. Agronomy, 9(11), 768. (SCI, IF=2.603)(*通讯作者)
Liu Zhixiong*, Zhang Kebing, Li Laiyun, Fei Yue, Chen Faju. (2019). Characterization of Two AGL6–Like Genes from a Chinese Endemic Woody Tree, Manglietia patungensis (Magnoliaceae) Provides Insight into Perianth Development and Evolution in Basal Angiosperms. Forests, 10(8), 669. (SCI, IF=2.221)(*通讯作者)
Fei Yue, Liu Zhixiong*. (2019). Isolation and Characterization of the PISTILLATA Ortholog Gene from Cymbidium faberi Rolfe. Agronomy, 9(8), 425. (SCI, IF=2.603)(*通讯作者)
Liu Zhixiong*, Fei Yue, Zhang Kebing, Fang Zhengwu. (2019). Ectopic Expression of a Fagopyrum esculentum APETALA1 Ortholog only Rescues Sepal Development in Arabidopsis ap1 Mutant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20(8), 2021. (SCI, IF=4.556)(*通讯作者)
Liu Zhixiong*,Xiong Haiyan,Li Laiyun, Fei Yongjun*. (2018). Functional Conservation of an AGAMOUS Orthologous Gene Controlling Reproductive Organ Development in the Gymnosperm Species Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Journal of Plant Biology, 61(1):50-59. (SCI, IF=1.254)(*通讯作者)
Li Laiyun, Fang Zhengwu, Li Xiaofang, Liu Zhixiong*. (2017). Isolation and Characterization of the C-class MADS-box Gene from the Distylous Pseudo-cereal Fagopyrum esculentum. Journal of Plant Biology, 60(2):189-198. (SCI, IF=1.459)(*通讯作者)
Fang Zhengwu, Li Xueping, Li Xiaofang, Liu Zhixiong*. (2015). FaesPI, a Fagopyrum esculentum PISTILLATA ortholog, is involved only in stamen development. Journal of Plant Biology, 58(2):102-109. (SCI, IF=1.671)
Fang Zhengwu, Qi Rui, Li Xiaofang, Liu Zhixiong*. (2014). Ectopic expression of FaesAP3, a Fagopyrum esculentum (Polygonaceae) AP3 orthologous gene rescues stamen development in an Arabidopsis ap3 mutant. Gene, 550(2):200-206 (SCI, IF=2.138)
Liu Zhixiong, Zhang Dandan, Liu Di, Li Fenglan, Lu Hai. (2013). Exon Skipping of AGAMOUS homolog PrseAG in developing double flowers of Prunus lannesiana (Rosaceae). Plant cell reports, 32(2):227–237(SCI, IF=2.936)
Zhang Bo#, Liu Zhixiong#, Ma Jiang, Song Yi, Chen Faju. (2015). Alternative splicing of the AGAMOUS orthologous gene in double flower of Magnolia stellata (Magnoliaceae). Plant Science, 241:277-285. (SCI, IF=3.362)
Jing Danlong#, Liu Zhixiong#, Zhang Bo, Ma Jiang, Han Yiyang, Chen Faju. (2014). Two ancestral APETALA3 homologs from the basal angiosperm Magnolia wufengensis (Magnoliaceae) can affect flower development of Arabidopsis. Gene, 537(1):100-107. (SCI, IF=2.138)
Zhang Dandan, Liu Di, Lv Xiaomeng, Wang Ying, Xun Zhili, Liu Zhixiong, Li Fenglan, Lu Hai. (2014). The Cysteine Protease CEP1, a Key Executor Involved in Tapetal Programmed Cell Death, Regulates Pollen Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 26(7):2939-2961. (SCI, IF=9.338)
王旋, 刘志雄*.甜荞长花柱长雄蕊突变体lpls大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体的发育. 植物研究, 2021, 41(6): 921-927.
张良波, 王 旋, 钱成旭,刘志雄*.甜荞FeFUL2基因的克隆与表达分析. 广西植物, 2021,41(4):591-597.
李逸,王旋,刘志雄*. 甜荞FaesSTK基因在长花柱长雄蕊突变体lpls中的表达分析. 植物科学学报, 2020,38(4):536-542.
张娇, 王旋, 张良波, 刘志雄*. FaesAP2B基因在甜荞长雌蕊长雄蕊突变体lpls的表达分析. 植物研究, 2020, 40(2):266-273.
夏胜应,刘志雄*. CygoSTK基因在普通春兰与奇花品种‘天彭牡丹’中的表达比较. 广西植物, 2020,40(4):518-525.
费 越,夏胜应,熊海燕,刘志雄*. 蕙兰CyfaSTK基因的克隆与表达分析. 植物科学学报, 2019, 37 (5): 602-609.
熊海燕, 刘志雄*. 深山含笑大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育研究. 植物研究,2018,38(2):212-217.
张柯彬, 陈炳全,刘志雄*. 甜荞FaesAP2基因的克隆与表达分析. 植物科学学报,2017,35(3):354-361.
刘志雄,李凤兰. 樱胚珠发育调控基因PrseSTK在单瓣与重瓣花中的表达比较. 植物研究,2015,35 (4): 535-539.
刘志雄,李来运,李凤兰. 日本晚樱PrseSHP基因的克隆与功能分析.西北植物学报,2015,35 (8): 1506-1510.
刘志雄,于先泥.日本晚樱同源异型基因PrseAP3 的克隆及其在单瓣与重瓣花中的表达分析. 华中农业大学学报,2012,31(5):578-583
刘志雄, 王莹, 吕小蒙, 陆海, 李凤兰.日本晚樱花器官特征基因ClAP1的克隆与表达分析.园艺学报, 2010, 37(4):649-654.
刘志雄, 马小婷, 程朋军, 刘頔, 李凤兰.单瓣与重瓣樱花雌雄蕊发育的比较研究. 北京林业大学学报, 2010, 32(4): 86-91.
李凤兰,刘志雄. 木本植物营养生长向生殖生长转变的机理.10000个科学难题:农业科学卷. 北京:科学出版社, 2011: 691-695.